

Attema, P.A.J., Carafa, P., Jongman, W.M., Smith, C.J., Bronkhorst, A.J., Capanna, M.C., De Haas, T.C.A., Van Leusen, P.M., Tol, G.W., Witcher, R.E. & Wouda, N.A. 2021, “The Roman Hinterland Project: Integrating Archaeological Field Surveys around Rome and Beyond,” European Journal of Archaeology.

Smith, C.J. 2020, “Urban landscapes in Latium”, Journal of Urban Archaeology, vol. 1, pp. 85-97.

De Haas, T.C.A. & Van Leusen, P.M. 2020, “FAIR survey: improving documentation and archiving practices in archaeological field survey through CIDOC CRM”, Fasti On Line Documents & Research, vol. 12.

Patterson, H., Witcher, R.E. & Di Giuseppe, H. 2020, The changing landscapes of Rome’s northern hinterland: the British School at Rome’s Tiber Valley Project. Archaeopress, Oxford.

Capanna, M.C. & Carafa, P. 2019, “Paesaggi rurali tra il Suburbio di Roma e il Latium vetus” in Alle pendici dei Colli Albani. Dinamiche insediative e cultura materiale ai confini con Roma. Atti della giornata di studi “Tra Appia e Latina: dinamiche insediative e sviluppo del territorio alle pendici dei Colli Albani”, Roma, Reale Istituto Neerlandese di Roma, Roma 9 febbraio 2017, Groningen Archaeological Studies 35, Barkhuis, Groningen, pp. 15-28.

Forthcoming/in preparation

Attema, P.A.J. “Data integration and comparison in landscape archaeology, towards analysis beyond sites and valleys”, Proceedings of the conference ‘Picenum and the Ager Gallicus at the Dawn of the Roman Conquest. Topography and Material Culture, International Workshop Ravenna 13-14 May, 2019’.

Attema, P.A.J., T.C.A. de Haas, G.W. Tol & Seubers, J.F. “Towards an integrated database for the study of long-term settlement dynamics, economic performance and demography in the Pontine Region and the hinterland of Rome” in The rural foundations of the Roman economy, (eds.) P.A.J. Attema & G. Schörner, 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World, Cologne/Bonn, 22 – 26 May 2018.

Capanna, M.C. “Trasformazioni sociali ed economiche nelle Campagne di Roma e del Latium vetus. VI secolo a.C. – VI secolo d.C.”

De Haas, T.C.A. “Rural transformations in the long 4th century: the archaeological perspective” in The Roman Republic in the Long Fourth Century, 367 – 264 BCE.

De Haas, T.C.A. & Tol, G.W. “The analytical potential of intensive field survey data: developments in the collection, analysis and interpretation of surface ceramics within the Pontine Region Project” in Fields, Sherds and Scholars, (ed.) A. Meens.

Jongman, W.M. “The voice of the silent majority: archaeological surveys and the history of the Roman countryside” in The rural foundations of the Roman economy, (eds.) P.A.J. Attema & G. Schörner, 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World, Cologne/Bonn, 22 – 26 May 2018.

Further reading

Carafa, P. 2017, “«Latinorum sibi maxime gentem conciliabat» (Livio I 49,8). Trasformazione dei paesaggi di Roma e del Lazio dal Regno del Superbo all’inizio della repubblica” in The Age of Tarquinius Superbus. Central Italy in the Late 6th Century. Proceedings of the Conference “The age of Tarquinius Superbus a paradigm shift?”, Rome, 7-9 November 2013, (eds.) P.S. Lulof & C.J. Smith, Peeters, Leuven, pp. 57-70.

Carafa, P. & Capanna, M.C. 2009, “Il progetto «Archeologia del Suburbio di Roma» per la ricostruzione dei paesaggi agrari antichi” in Suburbium II. Il suburbio di Roma dalla fine dell’età monarchica alla nascita del sistema delle ville (V-II secolo d.C.). Atti delle giornate di studio sul suburbio romano tenute a Roma il 16 ottobre e i 3 novembre 2004, 17 e 18 febbraio 2005, (eds.) V. Jolivet, C. Pavolini, M.A. Tomei & R. Volpe, École française de Rome, Rome, pp. 27-39. 

Cascino, R., Di Giuseppe, H. & Patterson, H.L. (eds.) 2012, Veii. The historical topography of the ancient city. A restudy of John Ward Perkins’s survey, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 19, British School at Rome, London.

Coarelli, F. & Patterson, H.L. (eds.) 2008, Mercator placidissimus. The Tiber Valley in Antiquity. New Research in the Upper and Middle River Valley, Edizioni Quasar, Rome.

Cupitò, C. 2007, Il suburbio di Roma antica. La topografia del suburbio tra la Salaria, l’Aniene, il Tevere e la cd. Salaria vetus, Quaderni di aggiornamento della Carta dell’Agro 1, L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome.

Di Giuseppe, H., Sansoni, M., Williams, J. & Witcher, R.E. 2002, “The Sabinensis Ager revisited: a field survey in the Sabina Tiberina”, Papers of the British School at Rome, vol. 70, pp. 99-150.

Dinuzzi, S. & Fusco, U. 2010,Il territorio tra il Tevere, l’Aniene e la via Nomentana : municipio II, parte seconda, Quaderni di aggiornamento della Carta dell’Agro 1, L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome.

Jongman, W.M. 2014, “Re-constructing the Roman economy” in The Cambridge History of Capitalism, vol. 1, (eds.) L. Neal & J. Williamson, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 75-100.

Jongman, W.M. 2016, “Italian urbanization and Roman economic growth” in L’Italia dei Flavi (Atti del Convegno, Roma, 4-5 Ottobre 2012), ACTA FLAVIANA III, (eds.) E. Lo Cascio & E. Tassi Scandone, L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome, pp. 105-117.

Jongman, W.M. 2017, “The benefits of market integration: five centuries of prosperity in Roman Italy” in The economic integration of Roman Italy: rural communities in a globalizing world, (eds.) T.C.A. de Haas & G.W. Tol, Brill, Leiden, pp. 15-27.

Jongman, W.M. 2019, “The Roman economy: from structure to change” in Uomini. istituzioni, mercati. Studi di Storia per Elio Lo Cascio,Pragmateiai 30, (eds.) M. Maiuro, G. D. Merola, M. De Nardis & G. Soricelli, Casa Editrice Edipuglia srl, Bari, pp. 459-472.

Patterson, H.L. (ed.) 2004, Bridging the Tiber. Approaches to regional archaeology in the Middle Tiber Valley, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 13, British School at Rome, London.

Patterson, H.L., di Gennaro, F., Di Giuseppe, H., Fontana, S., Gaffney, V., Harrison, A., Keay, S.J., Millett, M., Rendeli, M., Roberts, P., Stoddart, S. & Witcher, R.E. 2000, “The Tiber Valley Project: the Tiber and Rome through two millennia” Antiquity, vol. 74, no. 284, pp. 395-403.

Patterson, H.L., Di Giuseppe, H. & Witcher, R.E. 2004, “Three South Etrurian ‘crises’: first results of the Tiber Valley Project”, Papers of the British School at Rome, vol. 72, pp. 1-36.

Satijn, O. 2020, Campagna di Roma olim Latium. A historical landscape archaeology of Tyrrhenian southern Lazio from late Antiquity to incastellamento, University of Groningen, Groningen.

Witcher, R.E. 2005, “The extended metropolis: Urbs, suburbium and population”, Journal of Roman Archaeology, vol. 18, pp. 120-138.